Beyond the Traffic Jam:

About the Study

Making our cities more liveable is important for improving the health and wellbeing of current and future inhabitants. This study aims to explore people’s experiences, identities, beliefs, and behaviours regarding transport and urban sustainability in a Greater Melbourne context.

By providing insights into the psychological and social processes that underlie people’s transport beliefs and behaviours, this research may offer valuable knowledge to decision-makers about how we can work towards creating a more liveable city.

  • Be aged 18 or above.
  • Be currently living in the Greater Melbourne area.
  • Have used either a car, a bicycle, or public transport as your primary mode(s) of transport in the last six months.
  • Be proficient in English.

If you are unsure if you live in the Greater Melbourne area,
you can click in on this map and zoom in to see if you fall within the Greater Melbourne boundary.

What will I be asked to do?

If you wish to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, you can enter your email address to win one of fifty $20 digital vouchers. Based on our desired sample size, you would have a 1 in 12 chance of winning a voucher.


The information you provide will be de-identified, that is, no identifying information will be used in reporting the study results. As such, any information you provide is confidential and the raw data will only be accessible to the listed researchers.

Withdrawal rights

Participation in this research is completely voluntary. You can withdraw from the study at any time you wish during survey completion up until you submit your responses. As your data is completely anonymous once you submit the survey, we will not be able to re-identify your data.

Data storage and use

The raw data will be stored on a secure university sever for five years. Upon publication, the data may be stored on the Open Science Framework, as is common practice for research transparency. This means that other researchers can download the de-identified data file with participant responses in it. However, the responses you provide will not linked to any identifying details about yourself, as we will remove any identifying information. The de-identified data will remain in an online research repository (the Open Science Framework) if uploaded and may be used in future research projects.

Study findings

We will post a summary of the study findings in this Google document once they become available later in 2024/early 2025.

Click here* if you wish to download a copy of the plain language statement, which has more information about your participation in the study.

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